Video Archive


12/19/2024 - The Power of Music in Caring for Loved Ones with Dementia: Gateway to Connection and Well-Being

This workshop offered practical information on engaging the power of music to improve the well-being of loved ones with dementia and family caregivers. Music therapists, Dr. Gooding and Dr. Hernández, provided easy-to-use tips on how to use music for building partnership in caregiving activities and for reducing caregiver distress. They also discussed best methods for accessing professional music therapy for loved ones with dementia and the costs of such services. Dr. Bakan shared innovative developments in ethnomusicology, the study of music from different cultures, for increasing the quality of life of older adults with dementia and their family members. Tomeka Norton-Brown provided information about caregiver skills training and support and dementia care resources will be discussed.

9/19/2024 - Diagnostic, Treatment and Support Services for Older Floridians with Memory Problems: What to Know and Ask

Social workers and clinic coordinators, Justice Lewis and Stephanie Malally, described the procedures typically included in memory assessment and their costs, as well as treatment options for memory disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. They also discussed how to access memory evaluation, educational and support services at state-funded memory disorder clinics. Family caregiver and dementia care advocate, Priscilla Jean-Louis, shared her personal journey in obtaining a memory evaluation and medical treatment for her loved one with dementia. Last, ACTS2 Project Coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, provided information about faith-based skills training and support for dementia caregivers, as well as local, state and national dementia care resources.

5/30/2024 - Effective Communication and Creative Problem-Solving for Family Caregivers of Loved Ones with Dementia in Assisted Care

Attorneys Rebecca Adelman’s and Heather Bornstein’s presentation emphasized how to maintain good working relationships with staff and administration, best methods for communicating care taking concerns, and how to manage legal difficulties and risks. They provided practical suggestions to family caregivers on negotiating treatment-related problems, ensuring good quality service for their loved ones with dementia, and establishing effective communication with staff and administration in assisted care. In addition, ACTS2 Project Coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

3/21/2024 - Managing Sleep Difficulties of Loved Ones with Dementia

Featured presenter, Dr. Scott Pickett provided practical information about how to manage sleep difficulties in caring for a loved one with dementia. Caregivers are often faced with challenges in assisting their loved ones to get adequate sleep and navigating their own sleep nighttime disruptions. He covered key topics, such as developing effective sleep habits, implementing strategies to increase sleep time and quality, and identifying evidence-based resources for sleep improvement. Mrs. Tomeka Norton-Brown, ACTS2 Project Coordinator and family caregiver shared her personal experiences with lack of sleep in caring for her aunt and uncle with dementia. She also provided information about faith-based skills training and support for dementia caregivers, as well as local, state, and national dementia care resources.

2/8/2024 - Humor and Joy in Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

Presenters, Dr. Linda Miles and Pastor Brett Cooper and Mrs. Brenda Frinks and Ms. Syrita Frinks, are family members who jointly cared for loved ones with dementia and are dementia care trainers and advocates. They discussed how they have used humor to reduce caregiver stress and improve caregiving challenges and their relationships with loved ones with dementia. They also provided easy-to-use tips on observation and listening, creating opportunities for humor and laughter, and thinking outside the box. In addition, ACTS2 Project Coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.


8/17/2023 - Navigating the Transition from Home to Long-term Assisted Care for Adults with Dementia: What to Know and Ask

Workshop presenters, Leslie Provis and Mary Beth Mann, leaders in the field of dementia and assisted care, covered a variety of key topics on navigating the transition from home care, such as knowing when to make the transition from home to long-term assisted care, identifying options for assisted care, and determining the costs of such services. They also shared their own experiences with moving loved ones from home to long term assisted care. ACTS2 Project Coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

2/16/2023 - Healthy Eating on a Budget for Older Adults w/ Dementia: What Caregivers Need to Know to Make it Work

Nutrition leader, Afaf Qasem, provided information about cooking nutritious and tasty meals for loved ones with dementia. Laurie Osgood, community health educator, discussed strategies for meal planning and financial tips to help stretch the dollar. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

5/11/2023 - Evolving Roles of First Responders in Dementia Care: Crisis Management to Community-based Prevention

First responders, Fire Chief Charles Brunner and Officer TiBria Howard shared their firsthand experiences in negotiating crisis situations with older adults with dementia and their family caregivers. Dementia care specialist, Nicolette Castagna, demonstrated an easy-to-use approach, known as REACH, for effective problem-solving in crisis situations. Last, Mr. Brunner highlighted recent developments in community-based prevention of dementia-related emergencies. He also provided information about the costs of emergency medical services and how to manage them. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

2/16/2023 - Healthy Eating on a Budget for Older Adults w/ Dementia: What Caregivers Need to Know to Make it Work

Nutrition leader, Afaf Qasem, provided information about cooking nutritious and tasty meals for loved ones with dementia. Laurie Osgood, community health educator, discussed strategies for meal planning and financial tips to help stretch the dollar. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.


11/17/2022 - Creative Caregiving for Older Adults with Dementia: Building on the Strengths of the Family

Dr. Linda Miles and Pastor Brett Cooper shared their stories about the creative strategies they developed to negotiate challenging caregiving situations, such as wandering, dealing with anger and agitation, responding to unrealistic thinking and loss of bladder or bowel control. They also discussed how their families worked together to improve their loved ones with dementia’s quality of life. Caregiver Mrs. Alma Howell provided easy-to-use tips on good observation and listening skills, sticking with the positive, thinking outside the box and honoring family strengths. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

9/22/2022 - Maximizing Quality of Life During Late-Stage Dementia: Special Focus on Hospice Care

Pastors Lenny Marshall and Tracey Mills, hospice care leaders and clergy, presented best methods for accessing hospice care for persons with dementia, spiritually and culturally responsive in-home and facility-based services, and how to obtain insurance coverage for hospice care. Ms. Syrita Frinks discussed her personal experiences using hospice for her grandmother with dementia and offered useful strategies for reducing distress in providing care to loved ones with late-stage dementia. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

7/14/2022 - Self-Care for the Caregiver: Flourishing Amidst the Challenges of Dementia

Dr. Nakeisha Rodgers offered easy-to-use self-care strategies for family caregivers to incorporate in their daily activities. She also provided information about the warning signs of caregiver distress and how to prevent emotional and physical burnout. Dr. Linda Miles shared her personal journey as a family caregiver of her husband with dementia and the self-care strategies she uses to uplift her emotional and spiritual well-being. In addition, she discussed the benefits of matching specific self-care strategies to specific stages of dementia. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

4/21/2022 - Navigating the Journey to Dementia Diagnosis: Suggestions for Success

Dr. Floyd B. Willis described the steps of memory evaluation and the tests doctors use in arriving at a memory disorder diagnosis, such as Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, he offered helpful suggestions for preparing loved ones with suspected dementia and their family members for the initial visit to the doctor. Ms. Stephanie Slaton shared lessons learned in negotiating assessment for dementia with her father. She also discussed how she managed her dad’s reluctance to participate in follow-up visits after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.


2/17/2022 - Managing Difficult Dementia Caregiving Situations: Small Changes Have Big Effects

Social worker, Sonnie Mayewski, provided information related to identifying triggers for stressful caregiving situations and dealing effectively with these problems. She presented strategies to increase cooperation in daily activities, such as taking medications and dressing, and ways to maintain the independence of loved ones with dementia. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

12/9/2021 - Hospice and Palliative Care Services for Older Adults with Dementia and their Family Caregivers

Nicole McCann-Davis and Pastor Tracey Mills, hospice and palliative care leaders, discussed best methods for accessing hospice and palliative care for persons with dementia, culturally-responsive in-home and facility-based services, and recent advances in hospice care. Tracy Wilkinson shared her personal experiences in using hospice care for her loved one with dementia and offered useful strategies for reducing distress in providing care to loved ones in late-stage dementia. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

8/26/2021 - Dementia Caregiving and COVID-19: Moving Forward

Dr. Joedrecka Brown Speights provided practical information about prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and addressed concerns about these medical interventions. Ms. Brenda Frinks, ACTS2 facilitator and former caregiver, shared testimonies she received from loved ones with dementia, family members and friends regarding the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccination. Mrs. Lisa Bretz, Director, Area Agency on Aging of North Florida, discussed easy-to-access vaccination options delivered at home and in the community. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

7/8/2021 - Lived Experiences of African American Dementia Caregivers: Lessons Learned, Rewards and Challenges

Mrs. Barbara Moore, caregiver and Christian educator, shared her faith walk in supporting her husband with dementia. Mrs. Moore discussed the caregiving and spiritual practices she uses to enhance the quality of her and her husband’s daily activities. Minister Leonard Hixon reviewed his personal experiences serving as a caregiver for his mother. He also discussed his ministry in advocating for the welfare of persons with dementia residing in nursing facilities. Mrs. Jackie Edwards reflected on lessons learned in her dual role as dementia caregiver for her mother and ACTS2 lay pastoral care facilitator. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

5/20/2021 - Nutrition, Healthy Eating, and Dementia Caregiving: How to Make It Work for You and Your Loved One

Dr. Lenore Coleman and Dr. Celeste Hart discussed strategies for preparing healthy, tasty and low-cost meals for loved ones with dementia, useful tips for managing diabetes and high blood pressure, and getting the most from dementia care visits with your doctor. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

4/8/2021 - Adult Day Services for Floridians with Dementia and their Family Caregivers: What to Know and Ask

The workshop provided practical information about in-home and community-based adult day programs for Floridians with dementia and their family caregivers. Adult day service leaders, Charlotte Mather-Taylor, Darlene Brown-Ponder, and Jocelyne Fliger, discussed Florida’s network of day services for older adults, in-home day care options for adults with dementia, culturally-responsive day care programs and technological innovations in adult day support. They also offered useful strategies for reducing the stresses of accessing needed services and responded to questions from workshop participants. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

3/3/2021 - State and Federally-funded Programs for Floridians with Dementia and their Family Caregivers

This workshop provided practical information about state and federally-funded programs for Floridians with dementia and their caregivers and how to access these services. Lisa Bretz, Marissa Henderson and Dwanne Clayton, social workers and dementia care advocates, covered key topics such as state-supported home care, assisted living, health and wellness programs, information and referral to dementia care services and evaluation of memory problems. They also offered useful strategies for reducing the stresses of accessing needed services and respond to questions from workshop participants. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

1/28/2021 - Spirituality and Dementia Caregiving: Impact of Faith, Prayer, and Meditation on Daily Activities

The workshop provided information about the impact of faith, prayer and meditation on emotional well-being and health of family caregivers of older adults with dementia. Rev. Frank Jenkins, Sr. discussed his experiences in serving as both a caregiver and church leader advocating for the needs of persons with dementia and their family members. Mrs. Barbara Moore, dementia caregiver and Christian educator, shared her faith walk in supporting her husband with dementia. Mrs. Moore also discussed the spiritual practices she used to enhance the quality of her daily caregiving activities. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.


12/10/2020 - Reducing Risk for Dementia: How to Make Physical Exercise Fun and Easy

The workshop provided information about the benefits of exercise on health and well-being of older adults with dementia and their family care partners. Mrs. Wendy Barber performed a live demonstration of a convenient and fun home-based exercise program coupled with inspirational music. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

11/5/2020 - Impact and History of Dementia in the African American Community

Dr. Floyd B. Willis provided an overview of the impact of racism on health care services for African Americans, followed by a discussion of risk factors for dementia and prevention strategies. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

10/8/2020 - Dealing Effectively with Stressful Dementia Caregiving Situations

Social worker Vicki Rose offered practical information about understanding and managing stressful caregiving situations, such as refusing to bathe, wandering, and problems with bladder or bowel control. She discussed developing good observation and listening skills, understanding potential causes of difficult behaviors and creating strategies to manage caregiving challenges. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

9/3/2020 - Estate Planning for Dementia Caregivers

Attorney Jami Coleman offered practical information for developing a well-rounded estate plan to protect family assets. She discussed the importance and use of estate planning, basics in creating a last will and testament, pros and cons of trusts, development of a living will and strategies for selecting a health surrogate. The workshop also highlighted caregiver personal stories in estate planning. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

8/13/2020 - Medications and Dementia Caregiving: What to Know and Ask

Dr. Angela Massey Hill discussed the pros and cons of medications for memory loss. She also provided information about medications for behavior and mood problems in persons with dementia, as well as caregiver tips to increase cooperation in taking medications. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, shared information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

7/9/2020 - Impact of Covid-19 on Dementia Caregiving

Impact of COVID-19 and offered helpful COVID-19 related suggestions for family caregivers of older adults with dementia. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, provided information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.

5/28/2020 - African American Alzheimer's Caregiver Training Workshop

This workshop provided an overview of the characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease and related conditions, warning signs and risk factors for dementia. ACTS2 Project director, Dr. Rob Glueckauf, discussed the psychosocial functioning and health status of African American family caregivers of older adults with dementia and health promotion strategies. ACTS2 Project coordinator, Tomeka Norton-Brown, provided information about faith-integrated caregiver skills-training services and dementia care resources across Florida and the U.S.