ACTS2 offers free skills-building and support services to caregivers of loved ones with dementia. Our program of services includes:
Caregivers who enroll in the ACTS2 telephone-based, twelve-session program will be interviewed to determine their eligibility to participate. The interview will focus on the specific concerns and goals of family caregivers, background information, distress level, and caregiving circumstances. ACTS2 sessions are led by trained, lay pastoral care facilitators from the African-American faith community. Caregivers are encouraged to work on the problems and challenges important to them. Seven sessions will be conducted in a small group of three caregivers and one facilitator. Five sessions will be one-on-one with the lay pastoral care facilitator.
Examples of topics covered in the ACTS2 skills-building and support program are:
Family caregivers who participate in a brief problem-solving consultation will meet with an ACTS2 staff member over the telephone. They will gather background information and ask the caregiver to identify their concerns and to prioritize one or two goals on which they would like to work. Next, the staff member will assist them in developing an action plan to address their goals and monitor their progress. Brief problem-solving consultations are generally two one-hour sessions over a period of two to three weeks.
Examples of common caregiving and self-care concerns addressed in ACTS2 problem-solving consultations are:
Individuals who request information and referral services will meet with an ACTS2 staff member over the telephone. The staff member will gather background information and ask the individual to describe their specific information and referral needs. The person also will be encouraged to describe the types of information they would find most useful. Last, next steps in obtaining the desired information and referral resources will be discussed. Follow-up phone calls will be conducted to assess progress. Brief information and referral session are generally one hour in length over a period of two to three weeks.
Examples of common information and referral requests are:
ACTS2 staff members will conduct dementia awareness training both in-person and virtually to family caregivers and all interested parties. In-person training consists of presentations and workshops at faith community and elder care settings. Dementia awareness presentations and workshops are also offered using social media, such as Facebook and YouTube and videoconferences such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Examples of topics covered in dementia awareness training presentation and workshops include: