ACTS2 Donation Information

Why Support ACTS2?

Dementia is a rapidly growing national health problem. Over 6.9 million adults in the U.S. currently are living with the condition. This figure is expected to more than double by 2050. African American older adults are approximately two times more likely than non-Hispanic White older adults to develop Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.

Eighty-three percent of adults with dementia receive ongoing care in the home from family caregivers. Although caregiving demands are high across races and ethnicities, African Americans spend more time in caregiving activities than non-Hispanic Whites. They also are more likely than other caregivers to perform the most demanding caregiving tasks. Many African-American caregivers experience high levels of emotional distress and compromised health.

Your financial support of the ACTS2 free, faith-based skills-training and support project will increase our outreach to distressed African American dementia caregivers and provide the funds needed to train more faith community workers to deliver the program. In addition, our staff systematically evaluates the impact of the ACTS2 program on caregivers’ emotional well-being and health outcomes. We need your help in supporting all the essential parts of the ACTS2 Project.

The Florida State University College of Medicine and the Florida State University Foundation have established two funds to support ACTS2.

Your tax-deductible gift to the African American Caregiver Training and Support Project (Fund# F07743) will support the annual operating budget to provide continued free services throughout Florida and the U.S.

Donate to ACTS2 Annual Budget Now


The African American Caregiver Training and Support Endowment (Fund# F08974) was established to provide a predictable, steady source of funding in perpetuity. Your generous tax-deductible gift to the endowment will ensure support for expansion of our project while providing culturally responsive and effective care far into the future.

Donate to the ACTS2 Endowment Now


We invite you to explore the many ways to give to the ACTS2 program, including “Bequests,” ways to give through estate planning with a Living Trust or your Will. You can write a check now! The instructions and the mailing address are listed first on the tab. See the many ways to give and find the one that is right for you. Together we can make a difference!

Ways To Give

Overall, your investment in the free ACTS2 training and support will make an important difference in the lives of African-American dementia caregivers. These individuals are dedicated to providing quality care to their loved ones with dementia.


Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
Donate Now

Ways To Give

Annual Budget Endowment

ACTS2 Testimonials

“The responsibility of caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s was very scary for me. I was a wife, mother of two children, and working full-time when I became responsible for the daily needs of my mother with Alzheimer’s. ACTS2 allowed me to communicate, from the comfort of my own home, with other caregivers experiencing many of the same situations, feelings, and challenges. The telephone counseling sessions were conveniently conducted around my busy schedule and focused on dealing with difficult behaviors. This helped me to keep close to and respect the dignity of my dear mother. ACTS2 was truly a blessing!”
-- (Written by ACTS2 Caregiver V.L.)